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David's Ramblings

Posts tagged "tech":

19 Feb 2023

A Particular Old Laptop

A few days ago I wrote about a) being intrigued by Derek Sivers’ decision to stick with his old (2013) ThinkPad t440s, and b) my self-imposed obligation to try to make my collection of old laptops (the 2001 IBM ThinkPad R32 and 2011 MacBook Pro and HP Elitebook) work well enough to cool my desire for yet another ThinkPad. Well, I’ve been busy.

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Tags: tech
13 Feb 2023

About Old Laptops

Last week my rss feed brought me a post by ‘Solene’%’ about ”How I would sell OpenBSD as a salesperson”. I’m always interested in seeing what other geeks, particularly writers, use for hardware and software, and I’ve been more than mildly interested in moving out of Linux back into a “real” UNIX eventually, which these days means one of the BSDs (FreeBSD, OpenBSD or NetBSD). And so I have a “BSDs” folder in Instapaper and there found links to several pages on Derek Sivers’ site that mention OpenBSD (stay with me, there is a point to these wanderings). The one that caught my eye most was What I Use.

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Tags: tech
10 Jan 2022

Tech Stuff

Yesterday, in our “Hello World” post, I promised/threatened that I would someday get around to a) talking about why we dropped the Wordpress platform and b) talking about the tech behind the blog now.

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Tags: blogging emacs tech
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